Comapny profile

Company history
JUL,1967 Establish at Nagoya as MISHIBA CO.,LTD
DEC,1968 Establish Osaka branch
MAR,1980 Developed Feeder delivery device and Auto Laminate machine system
JUN,1984 Developed Auto Cutting Machine
SEP,1987 Company name changed to MCK CO.,LTD Establish test room at head office.
APR,1991 Develop Laminate device for LCD
OCT,1999 Obtained patent for laminating film to glass
DEC,2001 Establish Electronics Dep��t
SEP,2001 Obtained patent for laminating resist film to wafer
APR,2002 Developed PDP Film Auto Cut Laminator
MAR,2003 Obtained ISO9001
JUN,2003 Developed Auto Cut Laminator for flexible substrate
JAN,2004 Developed Solder Resist Tacking Device

* Company profile
Pioneer of Laminator��MCK CO.,LTD